与旧窗口相比,Windows 11中的上下文(右键单击)菜单经过了重新设计,保留了有限的条目。它包括一排用于复制、粘贴和删除等基本操作的图标,但在“显示更多选项”按钮后面隐藏了一些您可能想要的功能,这意味着每次我们需要按下一个额外的选项来查看所有上下文菜单选项时。我们将简要评估微软在Windows 11桌面上下文菜单中添加的“显示更多”选项的成本。人体工程学很重要,因为实施人体工程学解决方案可以通过降低成本和提高生产力来帮助削减运营费用。想象一下,在一个10人工作的工作场所,每个计算机用户每天点击桌面100次,每次点击浪费额外的1秒。
通过注册表在 Windows 11 中恢复完整的右键单击上下文菜单
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
修改后要重启 explorer.exe
方法二: 用cmd命令来修改
通过 cmd 命令在 Windows 11 中恢复完整的右键单击上下文菜单
1. Open Cmd with Administrator privileges
2. Copy and paste the below Code and press enter
reg.exe add "HKCU\Software\Classes\CLSID\{86ca1aa0-34aa-4e8b-a509-50c905bae2a2}\InprocServer32" /f
1. Open Cmd with Administrator privileges
2. Copy and paste the below Code and press enter
reg.exe delete "HKCU\Software\Classes\CLSID\{86ca1aa0-34aa-4e8b-a509-50c905bae2a2}" /f
方法三: 用一个小工具来解决
To disable the classic Context Menu in Windows 11 use second button “Enable Win 11 default Context Menu Style”, If you need to restart Windows explorer, software will detect it and warn you
Windows 11 Classic Context menu has CMD parameter support. To see all the supported command line parameters , use the Menu – “Command Line Info” Button.
With this Application you can easily toggle between Old Windows 10 Right Click Context Menu and default Windows 11 Context menu.
Supported operating systems: Windows 11
Supported languages: English ,Turkish , German , Russian , French , Spanish , Brazilian Portuguese , Greek , Korean , Chinese , Polish , Swedish , Hungarian , Czech , Bulgarian , Italian , indonesian , Japanese , Romanian , Hebrew , Vietnamese , Arabic , Persian , Dutch , Ukrainian , Georgian
File: W11ClassicMenu.exe │ Virustotal
MD5: 3ef2c9d09a4e60b146ea2bc21a02308a
SHA1: 63799f0b3b20230366d6202d4471363825001e6e
SHA256: dd51c33c70819723b3dcbbd169e5245b5a1b2014defa8ce9e3b758b143e8a6e8